03 Dec Dimensions of Wellness and five types of stress
Want to learn more about how you score in the 8 dimensions of wellness? There are actually more than 8 but for our purposes and for the purposes of introducing the public to exploring the concept of “dimension of wellness” we can take a look at the broad categories of: ecological, emotional, physical, social, spiritual, intellectual and financial.
ECOLOGICAL: When coming to Tao you are also experiencing a “green” environment and supporting our commitment to Green Living as we use all organic body creams, oils, body products: shampoo, conditioner, body wash, we use biodegradable trash bags; even our sheets are eco-friendly!
EMOTIONAL: This dimension is probably the EASIEST ONE FULFILLED by TAO TIME as TAO TIME is about SELF CARE and managing STRESS and being open to new experiences.
PHYSICAL: Nutrition, Physical Activity and Sleep are a few of the areas that makes up the PHYSICAL dimension. The effects of massage is like a work our without exhausting the muscles – there is some physical activity for you! as well as naturally helps to improve SLEEP!
SOCIAL: You are spending quality time with people you TRUST at Tao. You have entrusted your body and wellness with Tao and can further enjoy your time at Tao as a social diversion.
SPIRITUAL: Tao is part of your community that helps you reflect and and even meditate. You use Tao time to help reflect and manage pain or grief, and recover from life!
MIGHT we stretch it to 6 or even 7 areas covered to include:
INTELLECTUAL & FINANCIAL? While it may be a stretch we have no doubt that you are LEARNING some things and getting an education when you come to TAO as well as have OPTIONS to increase the HEALTH of your wallet by utilizing our MEMBERSHIP and SERIES options to SAVE at every visit! BUDGET IN TAO! 🙂
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