
What do we mean by "pain die"? Is that even a thing? While you may not have heard it in this specific blunt phrasing, saying "pain die" cuts right to the chase, don't you think? Pete Townsend grants the listener a more poetic interpretation, with...

"Hurry Up Take Your Time" was or maybe still is used in a routine by Domonique and his Amazing Flying Cats found in Mallory Square, Key West. He used this phrase when asking for audience participation to perhaps find a treasure in their pockets or...

Contrary to popular opinion self-care has been debated to be myopic. There needs to be a greater understanding of what self-love means beyond the physical caring for ones body. What does a REAL-lationship look like with ourselves? While caring for your body is a great...

We have had direct experience about how hearing has improved post massage, and more and more research is showing how stress management can impact vision. Of course this makes total sense to us as tight muscles and congested connective tissue impact the all the systems...

As we head into LATE SUMMER, which will end with the Autumnal Equinox on Sept 22, below are some supportive ways to consider to help transition into a new season! IF there is every a time to schedule massage and self care it is AT...