06 Nov Tao Can Be A Third Space
Make Tao your third space to keep you first place. Before we even talk about how a third space is defined, what comes to mind when you think of coming to Tao? A place where you can thrive in body and mind? An “escape” from your daily routine, yet welcomed in a familiar environment? Working with and building relationship/s with the Tao Team that supports your lifestyle choices?
The “third space” refers to social environments outside of the home (the first space) and work (the second space) where people gather, interact, and build community connections. 2024 Psychology Today
The idea of a “third space” is not new. The first article we could find defining a “third space” was from Psychology Today from 2015. However you may have had a “third space” for many years already. Even Wikipedia has a page dedicated to it. Third spaces could be any place that provides social engagements for you where you feel at home and a welcomed part of a community, for example, the local barber shop, church, dance or yoga studio, the gym. Think about places where you can repeatedly gather with other with other individuals coming/going to the third space for the same reason you are; participation at community centers and in volunteer organizations where conversation and the environment is playful and inviting.
Tao third space, your home away from home.
Would you like to discover how to build social capital with a “third space” that feels right for you? With em{BODY} by Tao Body~Mind coaching we uncover and discover what authentic LIVING is and can be for you. Call/text Tao 732-775-1550 or email us directly at [email protected] to see if working with our ICF Trained Body-Mind Coach is right for you! You can also start your journey and BOOK NOW at TAO