How we feel “the ick”

How we feel “the ick”

Surely you’ve heard of “the ick”. The “ick” is likely being picked up by your personal energy field that is said to extend out far beyond your body, to the fingertips of your outstretched arms in all directions including about 2 feet above your head and 2 feed below your feet. It’s through this personal energy field that information is picked up and then translated into the physical body that you then feel a physical response. A physical response could be intense and felt in your gut as a sudden lack of appetite, or upset stomach; think revolting and how your body would want to physically expel that feeling from leaving a bad taste in your mouth. While “the ick” is often considered negative is can be providing more info than you realize. Feeling is “the ick” is the perfect example of wisdom from “other bodies”. Other bodies can also give us information about safety and protection:

…it tells you that your are being guided and it tells you that you are safe and protected” Dr. Tara Swart, Neuroscientist on an interview with Lewis Howes discussing exploring new dimensions and communication with angelic realms. For the purpose of this blog post angelic realms have been referenced as these “other bodies” historically in many cross cultural spiritual traditions. Lewis continues in an effort to understand how to function in 5D, versus our 3D reality right now, “so how do we start to train our brain to unlock new dimensions outside this three-dimensional world?” Swart returns to, “I’m going to take it back to raised awareness…you have to be open to thinking that…if you’re close-minded to it then you’re not going to be able to create that and you’ll think just that”

Wisdom from other bodies?

A recent blog post before last we talked about the importance of body wisdom. When we think of “our body” we likely typically think of the physical body, when we actual receive information from several other more subtle bodies: Etheric body, Emotional body, Mental body, Spiritual body. While these other bodies may not be recognized or researched as heavily as the physical body there is no denying information we receive from these bodies. For example, when people talk about feeling another person’s energy, when you walk into a room for example, this is the etheric body that is receiving the information. Or when you say the massage therapist “knew just where to touch”.

How body wisdom translates into other areas of our life

Body wisdom is not only physical. It also extends into your environment. For example, your home is an extension of your energy field. Keep your space free of clutter, clean and getting rid of useless or broken objects can have a impact on your mental physical and spiritual bodies. Seeing this meme: “fit people deserve the utmost respect” made us think about how fitness is NOT just about the physical body. To be in balance one can look to the 8 dimensions of wellness to better understand the meaning of being:

Work fit

Mentally Fit

Financially Fit

Relationship Fit

EM{BODY} by Tao is Body-Mind coaching that, unlike counseling, works with each individual and highly specific personalized ACTION plan for the HOW in the NOW. You have a personal “HOW to” and coaching helps you to discover what that is, integrates it into your life which in turn helps you reach your goals, DESIGNED JUST FOR YOU and BY YOU!

Understanding and Managing ‘The Ick’ in Modern Relationships

If you want to understanding ‘The Ick’: A Psychological Phenomenon check out this in depth article from Forward Pathway.