15 Jan Together: Tao and Bond & Bangs Apothecary
The Apothecary Moved into TAO
Our Bond & Bangs Apothecary shop moved down the street into TAO. You can also find apothecary products in the Bond & Bangs online shop on our website.
What is Bond & Bangs Apothecary?
Bond & Bangs is a modern-day apothecary featuring seasonally themed products focusing on the benefits of plants’ medicinal properties.
The shop is now online but you can still request a private consultation with the Clinical Aromatherapist and discuss which herbal oils, aromatic botanicals, and organic ingredients can be blended to create health supportive body care products to meet your unique spirit, mind, and body needs.
Family-ar faces…we’ve upcycled Vera, and the Apothecary sign to work for Tao! Look for our repurposed sign on Bangs, and Vera at Tao to help you with holistic product choices. Hi from Vivian and Steph too!